HOT LINE: +95 2 4061124, + 95 9 33039977



U Aung Zin Myo

B.A (Hist:)

Store Keeper-4

Casher Department

Mandalay University of Foreign Languages



No From To University, Collage, Department, Training City Level
1. 2000 2011 (B.E.H.S)Gonnyinseik MyingMu Passed (B.E.H.S)
2. 2012 2013 Monywa Distance University Moywa First year
3. 2014 2018 Yandanarpon University Mandalay BA(Hists)
4. 16.9.2013 30.9.2019 District Department MUDE Mandalay Security
5. 1.10.2019 Today Cashier MUFL Store Keeper(4)