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History Department


Professor & Head


History Department contributes to the first year and Second year students as the subsidiary subject in Mandalay University of Foreign Languages. History Department teachers. The Aspects of Myanmar ( AM-1001 ) for all of the first year student during the first semester and for second year students such as Chinese , Korean and Japanese languages the Department lecture on Modern East Asia ( Hist-2007), Modern Southeast Asia ( Hist-2008) only for Second year Thai language students and Contemporary Europe ( Hist-2009 ) for the second year of French, English, German and Russian languages in the second semester.

Aspects of Myanmar is divided into five Units :

  • Unit 1- Land and People
  • Unit 2- History
  • Unit 3- Foreign Policy and Relations
  • Unit 4- Economy
  • Unit 5- Culture

In Unit One is about the physical feature, topography, climate, flora  and fauna and national races of Myanmar.

Unit Two is divided three kinds of history. There are (1) prehistory (2) early city states of Myanmar and (3) modern history. In prehistory is about Paleolithic Mesolithic and Neolithic culture.

In early city history is about Halin, Beikthano, and Srikstra ancient cities.  In modern history is about the struggle  for independence, political conditions and administration after independence.

Unit Three is International relations and Diplomatic relation with neighbor countries, ASEAN countries and United Nations Organization.

Unit Four is about the economy of Myanmar regarding to agriculture , forestry, Trade and commerce and Hotel and Tourism.

Unit Five is about the traditional culture, performing Arts festivals and social life.

History Department also teachers teaches all second year language students  about the contemporary history such as political, economy and social effects all second year language students.

As the study of the contemporary history the students can carry out for the establishment of the developed country at present.


Staffs of History Department


No  Name  Post
1. Dr. Su Su Myat Professor (Head)
2. Dr. Myint Myint Khaing Professor
3. Daw Aye Aye Mon Associate Professor
4. Daw Khaing Myint Yi Tutor
5. Daw Su Hlaing Hnin Tutor